AFA MEC Announcement – Crew Planning Liaison

To:         HZN AFA Membership/Flight Attendants

Date:     July 9, 2019

Subject: HZN AFA MEC Crew Planning Liaison Position

Flight Attendant Callie von Borstel informed the MEC that she will be leaving her AFA MEC position of Crew Planning Liaison at the end of July 2019.  Callie has been front and center working with the Jeppesen pairing optimization software.  All of us at the MEC are proud of Callie’s leadership, skill and advocacy for Flight Attendants during her tenure as MEC Crew Planning Liaison.

The MEC recently posted the opening for the Crew Planning Liaison position and we are pleased to announce that Seattle domiciled Flight Attendant Cyndy Mathison has been selected to fill the opening.  Cyndy will be working with Callie von Borstel and Peter Oxentenko during the July optimization for the September bid month pairing build.  Cyndy will also be leading the revitalization of our AFA LEC 16 and LEC 17 domicile scheduling committee members as well as attending the third quarter August Crew Planning/AFA scheduling committee meeting.

If you have an interest in pairing schedules please contact Joelle Jaeger, LEC 16 President, BOI/GEG/SEA/PAE – or Kirk Hansen, LEC 17 President, MFR/PDX –  Cyndy’s email is

In solidarity,

Your MEC,

Ed Hawes, Lisa Davis-Warren, Deb Harding-Elliott, Kirk Hansen and Joelle Jaeger