Category Reserve

Premium Pay Comm

Hello QX Flight Attendants, Premium Pay & Crew Statement ReviewHello Fellow Flight Attendants,After the difficult transition period we experienced from July into August, we’d like to take some time toreview how premium pay is triggered, miscellaneous extra-credit circumstances, and how…

CBA Language Clarification For Reserve FA’s

Notice of clarifying collective bargaining agreement (CBA) language for Reserve Flight Attendants; The MEC recently executed a Letter of Understanding (LOU) with inflight management that clarifies Short-Call Reserve Report time duties upon arrival at their domicile airport for a reserve…

Grievance Settlement – Reserve

MEC Reserve List Days of Availability Grievance Settlement 06-99-02-03-19 In January 2019, the MEC was made aware that the Reserve List was not accurately displaying reserve days of availability.  The MEC grieved on behalf of all flight attendants who sat…