MOU for MFR Jet Transition


AFA Horizon leadership and Horizon Air inflight management have reached agreement on a remedy for the Q400 Pilot base closure in our MFR base:

All Flight Attendants who are active during the August, September and October 2022 bid months will receive 3.0 credit per bid month on their respective November 5th paycheck. *

* Flight Attendants must not have been on a leave of absence for the entirety of each bid months and newly hired Flight Attendants must have been eligible to bid for the bid period to be eligible for the settlement. The 3.0 credit will have applicable taxes withheld at the regular withholding rate and less any other deductions/contributions.

This non-precedential monetary settlement compensates FAs for any inconveniences resulting from the temporary changes to the contract caused by senior management’s decision to close the Q400 pilot base before any discussions were had with AFA. It demonstrates management’s acknowledgement that we have a contract that may not be unilaterally changed, and we must be included in advance of any decisions directly impacting Flight Attendants. AFA appreciates management’s commitment to doing the right thing in these circumstances.

Thanks so much!

Council 17 and your MEC