SRM – Q400 Supplies

Good Evening

I attended on behalf of Heather Coleman a SRM about Q400 supplies. We went through what may occur when we try to mirror the green bag from the E to the Q. They will be similar bags but have minor differences.

We discussed the movement of the med link form from the forward overhead to the atlas behind the forward jump seat. No significant risk was found as we have not had any reports of and E event encountering problems about retrieving the check list.

A minor change will be that we don’t restock the supplies until we are missing several items out of the bag. PDX and SEA would restock the bags when we leave them on row 1 seat between turns. FAB had a few staffing concerns from a restocking perspective.

No other major issues where found and we can expect this change to occur from mid Jan through feb. FAIFs will be issued to discuss the change.

Bryan Grosvold 


Horizon Air AFA Local Vice President #16  

