Part Time/Company Leave of Absence Request CLOA Update

Part Time/Company Leave of Absence Request CLOA Update

March 26, 2020 Lisa Davis-Warren , MECP

Bids for CLOA have been extended to close on Friday, March 27th, 2020 at 1700.  These requests may be withdrawn at any time prior to that deadline.

Part-time lines will close on Wednesday, April 1st at 1700. These requests may be withdrawn at any time prior to that deadline.

We do not know your individual reasons for applying for these leaves and we do not want to make any assumptions. We do, however, want to make sure that your decision is based on accurate and current information.

Yesterday, the Senate passed a stimulus bill that includes grants and loans for airlines. The House is scheduled to vote tomorrow, and President Trump is expected to sign the bill. Under the bill, airlines may not involuntarily furlough employees, and may not cut pay and benefits for active flight attendants through September 30, 2020.

Although we expect the bill to be signed into law, please understand that nothing is 100% certain. This is the best information that we have right now, but you should make your decision based on your own situation. If you wish to withdraw your request for either program, please email your request in advance of these deadlines to Dee Dee at

In solidarity,

Your MEC

Lisa Davis-Warren, Kirk Hansen, Joelle Jaeger, Aimee Baird and Todd Anderson