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QX AFA Contract Mobilization - Take Action

Mobilization sign up

Dear Flight Attendants,

As we prepare to return to the table to discuss economics, we must show management that we are unified, organized, and prepared - that we are SEVEN BASES, STANDING STRONG!

Earlier this year, Alaska Air Group posted another record quarter, $2.6 billion in operating revenue for the fourth quarter, and a record $10.4 billion for the full year 2023, and started the process to purchase their third airline, Hawaiian Airlines. Yet, we still do not see any interest from management to provide us with a contract recognizing our contributions to the award-winning customer service and profits that Horizon Air/Alaska Air Group continues to receive and earn.

 The time has come to show management that we stand together in securing a contract that acknowledges our contributions to this company. Our Mobilization Committee needs you to help demonstrate our solidarity to management by becoming a Mobilization Volunteer.  Mobilization Volunteers will show management that we’re serious about negotiating an industry-leading contract that brings the FAs at our airline in line with mainline FAs by participating in solidarity activities. The Mobilization Committee will also facilitate active communication between Flight Attendants and the Negotiating Committee.

Bidding will close very soon for the month of August.  As you prepare your bids, we hope you plan to get involved with the Mobilization Committee by attending Mobilization Training.  To ensure that you’ll have the opportunity to get involved, please bid August 23rd off and sign up for our Mobilization Training session here. Training is scheduled from 0930-1330 at the PDX Ops/Training Center. The meeting room will be communicated, once confirmed, in future emails to those who have registered.

The training will include guest speakers, negotiations and mobilization strategies, the history of the Railway Labor Act (RLA), and the planning of future solidarity actions. In this session, you’ll learn about how we got to where we are in the negotiating process, where we’re going from here, and how you can make an impact.

The backbone of our mobilization efforts will be our Mobilization Volunteers.  Mobilization Volunteers will support Negotiations through coordinated solidarity activity and two-way communication between the membership and the Negotiations committee.  The Mobilization Volunteers will work closely with the Negotiations Committee to call other Flight Attendants to action through participation in organized solidarity activities and a program of information sharing.

We are excited about this training and look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate our resolve to achieve the contract improvements we deserve!  If you cannot attend this training session, please contact your local officers for other ways to get involved and for information on future training.

Reasons To Become a Mobilization Volunteer

Becoming a Mobilization Volunteer is how you can directly contribute to the success of our Negotiations.  Read on to find out why being a Mobilization Volunteer is right for you:

1.     You’re Tired of Waiting for Better Pay

2.     You’re Not Afraid To Let Management Know How Serious We Are

When our voices are united to support our Negotiations Committee, we send a loud message to management.  When our actions are united in solidarity, the message is even louder.

3.     You Want Management To Recognize Our Contributions

Flight Attendants have the most direct and longest customer interactions of any other position within the Company.  Management has repeatedly told us that our people make the difference and keep their customers coming back.


4.     Quality of Life Is Important To You

Being able to balance work and life is important to us.  We bargain for work rules and provisions that allow us to achieve this together.