FADAP Volunteer Opportunity

We are in need of flight attendant mentors in recovery

Greetings Everyone!

My name is Stephanie Ursino and I am your AFA LEC 16 EAP Chair. For those of you who are not familiar with EAP we are a peer to peer support program with the union. I have been a Seattle based flight attendant for 21 years. I am also a flight attendant mentor for the FADAP program. FADAP is the flight attendant drug and alcohol program.

I currently have over 3 years sobriety. My road to recovery has been bumpy to say the least but I now have a gamut of knowledge and experiences to pull from. The one thing I felt was missing during the time I was seeking treatment was a connection to another flight attendant in recovery. The purpose of this email is to reach out to those flight attendants who are ready and willing to take their recovery to the next level. We are in need of flight attendant mentors in recovery.

This is a voluntary role and you would be considered a FADAP Mentor. You must have a minimum two years of sobriety. You would be paired with flight attendants coming out of treatment and helping them transition back to flying. As well as being an advocate and resource for the FADAP program. If you feel called to be of service in this capacity please contact Deborah McCormick, National Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program Coordinator, (401) 225-1459  – dmccormick@fadap.org.

If this letter does not relate to you, I appreciate your time in reading it anyway because at some point in our lives we all are affected by unhealthy behaviors and addictions in some way or form. Either ourselves, family members, friends, or coworkers and it’s important to know your resources or who you can turn to when the need arises.

Please know all of the AFA EAP reps are always available to help or just listen if you or someone you know is in need of some extra support.

 In Unity,

Stephanie Ursino
AFA LEC 16 EAP Chair