AFA Structure
What is a Local Council?
Each Local Council is made up of the member Flight Attendants within a given domicile. In the case of a new or smaller domiciles where the number of active members does not meet the constitutional threshold, multiple domiciles may be grouped together into one Local Council for purposes of representation. Council 16 consists of Flight Attendants based in Boise, Paine Field, Seattle, & Spokane.
Each Local Council is led by an elected Local Executive Council (LEC). The Local Executive Council Officers consist of a President, Vice President, and Secretary. In larger Local Councils, additional officer positions called Council Representatives may also be elected to the LEC. The officers within each Local Council are nominated and elected directly by the membership to concurrent three year terms.
What is a Master Council?
All Local Executive Councils within an airline form the Master Executive Council (MEC). The MEC is responsible for coordinating the activities of AFA across an entire airline. Each LEC President sits on the MEC as the voting member for the members of the Local Council that they represent.
The LEC Presidents elect three officers to lead the MEC: a President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer. These MEC Officers serve a three year term when elected. They do not carry a vote on the MEC with the exception of the MEC President, who votes only to break a tie.
Learn more about the MEC voting Members & Officers >
How the MEC Operates
The MEC must holds regular MEC meetings, a minimum of twice per year, to conduct the business of AFA Horizon. Meetings are open to Members to attend. If you have a question, concern, or item of business you would like brought before the MEC, contact your LEC President.
Ultimately, AFA is governed by the AFA Constitution and Bylaws as adopted by the AFA Board of Directors. The MEC has adopted a policy and procedure manual to address matters of business that the AFA Constitution and Bylaws does not. The policy and procedure manual can be amended by majority vote of the voting members of the MEC as needed.