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There is plenty of work to go around. Our Union was built with the passionate work of volunteers and we continue to operate through the work of volunteers throughout our Union. Elected Officers are not the only important positions within our Union. We need to have volunteers who become experts in each of the areas that affect our jobs. For this reason, each AFA Horizon Council (MEC and LECs) has formed committees, which operate autonomously, to address specific issues of our jobs. Volunteering for a committee is one of the best ways to contribute to our Union and it is a fantastic opportunity for you to become an expert in a specific component of our job and Contractual rights.

The Local Executive Council shall establish such Committees and appoint Committee Chairpersons as may be necessary for proper conduct of Local Council business consistent with the needs of the Members, the Union and Local Council policy.  The Local Committee Chairs and Reps take direction from the Local Council Officers.

If you are interested in joining a Committee, contact Council leadership.