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The grievance committee will have as its primary objective the protection of all Flight Attendants against arbitrary and unjust disciplinary action and the upholding of the collective bargaining agreement.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Enforce the contract.
  • Represent all Flight Attendants when unjust discipline is issued.
  • File grievances.
  • Handle initial grievance hearings; report the results to the LEC and the grievant.
  • Assist union attorneys in preparing grievances for System Board.
  • Communicate regularly with the membership about decisions on local grievances-promote wins and explain ramifications of a loss
ChairJoshua Haimes[email protected](425) 508-9879
 Jennifer Levcun[email protected](360) 731-6794
 Wendy Kaihara[email protected](208) 819-4069