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Hotels & Transportation

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The purpose of this committee is to investigate Flight Attendants’ complaints about hotel facilities, and also to periodically check these facilities for any decline in quality. The chairperson of this committee shall act to survey potential facilities and attempt to eliminate or avoid any possible problems involving transportation or layover facilities.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Act in an advisory role to the Local Officers regarding hotel and transportation issues.
  • Monitor and investigate Flight Attendant write-ups of issues involving hotels/transportation, and safety concerns.
  • Review current and potential future layover sites for compliance with contract language.
  • Coordinate with grievance committee regarding any possible violations concerning hotel/ transportation issues for members.
  • Attend management briefings, coordinate with management counterparts regarding union input to potential future accommodations.
ChairAnne Strand[email protected](206) 940-4634
 Brandy Likes[email protected](503) 330-5503