Jennifer Levcun

Local Council President & CWA Convention Delegate #1
- The President of the Local Council shall preside at all meetings thereof and at all meetings of the Local Executive Council, except as the President may otherwise specifically direct in accordance with Paragraph 3.b. of this Section.
- The President shall cause to be called all regular and special meetings of the Local Executive Council and of the Local Council in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws.
- The President shall be responsible for the expeditious processing of complaints and grievances of that Council's members and promoting their interests locally in whatever way possible.
- The President shall be charged with and responsible for implementing, administering and explaining the policies of the Local Executive Council and Master Executive Council, the Board of Directors, and Executive Board as they pertain to that Local Council.
- The President shall be a member of the Master Executive Council of the airline and a member of the Board of Directors.
- The President shall inform all Local Council Officers and committees that all files, correspondence, documents and other materials resulting from the work of such committees are the property of the Union, not the personal property of individuals, and are to be safeguarded.
- The President shall maintain the Union's files and property, then transfer them to her/his successor promptly.
- The Local President is encouraged to consult with and take into account the opinions and thoughts of the other Local Council Officers. It is expected that a Local Council President will exercise her/his judgment in the best interests of her/his members.