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Council News

Notice: Schedule adjustments

August 23, 2024

Management has advised there was a previously unknown marketing schedule change that occurred after the pairings were constructed.  This has impacted roughly 1/3rd of Council 16 Flight Attendants and pertains to pairings that had flights to and from GTF and HLN.  Your schedules have been updated to reflect being released in base and rejoining the original trip the following day (which may include deadheading to/from SEA and your domicile).  

Per the CBA (5.D.1.), “if the Flight Attendant was originally scheduled to RON away from domicile, the Company will provide a hotel at domicile upon request.”.  Additionally, when pairings experience flight cancelations, Flight Attendants are always pay-protected and if rescheduled are credited with the greater of the original assignment or the assignment(s) actually performed.


Council leadership have confirmed that management has agreed to the following options given this significant disruption.

BOI/PAE/GEG Flight Attendants
Flight Attendants will be allowed to overnight in SEA instead of DH’ing back to base, and you’ll continue to earn per diem.

Action Required: If you would like to exercise this option, follow the IRF instructions which require you to email no later than 17:00 on Friday, August 30th.


SEA Flight Attendants
Flight Attendants have the option to put the pairings back together (a single pairing with a scheduled SEA overnight), and you will continue earning per diem.

Action Required: If you would like to exercise this option, follow the IRF instructions which require you to email no later than 17:00 on Friday, August 30th.


Additional information

  • All Flight Attendants who want a hotel in base must call Crew Scheduling and can do so at any time.
  • All Flight Attendant will be pay protected (no loss in pay)


Reminder: Once you are pay-protected, if you alter the pairing in any way, you forfeit the pay protection and will be credited the value of the pairing(s) actually performed.

Contact us if you have any questions!
