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Council News

PBS bidding update

August 14, 2024

This message is intended for Council 16 Members (BOI, PAE, SEA, GEG)

Dear fellow Flight Attendants and Members of Council 16,

I am writing to keep you, as a Member, abreast of a PBS issue that arose during the most recent bidding period.  As you may be aware, this month the PBS Committee was unable to reach an agreement on the administrative controls that were used in the processing of our schedules.  

Article 6.D.3 of our contract specifies, “The joint PBS Committee Consisting of two Association members and two Company members will serve as the PBS Administrator. The Committee will mutually determine any necessary controls, constraints, or options.”.

As the Local Scheduling Chairperson, and PBS alternate, Joshua Haimes raised a specific desire you have voiced for some time and while working on the PBS Committee this month attempted to find a resolution with the company members of the committee.  Ultimately, mutual agreement was not found and bids were published without mutual agreement.

For transparency, the ask was that PBS controls be used in a manner so reserve Flight Attendants have the ability to bid for two-day reserve blocks vs. this setting (minimum reserve block) being set at three which is the Company's want.  While this enhancement may initially improve the schedules for reserve Flight Attendants, LEC 16 Officers believe that this enhancement has the potential to enhance our line holder bids eventually, as well, and create a better work/personal life balance, increased flexibility with our schedules, and keep us healthier and happier as a whole. The ability to stay in motion with improvements and professional enhancements is only beneficial for all members.

Our commitment to Council 16 members, as your LEC 16 AFA Officers, are to constantly advocate and support our AFA community for consistent progress, improvements, creative & critical thinking opportunities for continued enhancements within our chosen profession, and to always act in the best interest of AFA members/ Flight Attendants.  Your Council Vice President & Grievance Chairperson, Joshua Haimes, has submitted a grievance ticket to the MEC Grievance Committee, on our behalf, regarding the lack of Joint PBS Committee agreement in the controls used for the September bids.

I personally want to thank Joshua Haimes for his long hours of hard work and constant advocacy for Flight Attendant enhancements and improvements.  I also wanted to thank Lexie Massey, MEC PBS Committee member, Negotiation Committee member, and the System Board of Adjustment (SBA) rep, for her long-time AFA service and commitment to our AFA community by advocating for positive change and Flight Attendant enhancements.


In Solidarity,

Jennifer Levcun
Council 16 President



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