New AFA-Horizon Air Flight Attendant Addiction Support

Listen Up AFA Horizon Flight Attendants –There’s a New Program Called FAAS

What is FAAS?

FAAS stands for Flight Attendant Addiction Support.  It’s a new assistance program developed and run jointly by AFA EAP and Horizon Airlines. Any non-probationary Flight Attendant is eligible to use the services.

What Does FAAS Offer?

1. AAS is structured to encourage Flight Attendants to seek help before on-the job-misconduct occurs. Those who self-disclose to the company before a work related performance issue will have access to 30 days of residential treatment at a facility that specializes in treating Flight Attendants.  The treatment is fully paid by the company even if the Flight Attendant has Kaiser or no insurance. There are no return to work consequences attached to self-disclosure.  You return to work just as you would with any other medical condition.  During this period of treatment, both AFA EAP and your Inflight Director will be a part of your recovery support team. 

2. Should a Flight Attendant’s substance use progress to the point that a Flight Attendant shows up at work under the influence, as long as the Flight Attendant self discloses before boarding the first flight of the day and before a reasonable suspicion test is requested, the Flight Attendant will have access to company funded treatment and other recovery support services to assist them in successfully remaining a Horizon Air Flight Attendant. 

3. Should a Flight Attendant’s on the job impairment result in a test positive, you may have a pathway to return to flying for Horizon Air, following her/his separation, has been developed under the FAAS program. 

4. FAAS is also designed to encourage co-workers to feel comfortable approaching or identifying a Flight Attendant whose impairment is putting flight safety at risk, under FAAS, only the struggling Flight Attendant can put her/his job in jeopardy by failing to self-disclose  before boarding their first flight of the day or before being identified for testing. Even then, the Flight Attendant may have a pathway for reinstatement.   

More information about these pathways, conditions for participation, effect on employment status, options for payment of treatment, and recovery support can be found in the FAAS Program Manual.  You may access this information here

Does FAAS replace AFA EAP or the Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program (FADAP)

NO. AFA EAP/FADAP offers confidential assistance without company knowledge or involvement.  AFA EAP can confidentially help you decide which of these many assistance programs is best for you and your work circumstances.  Unlike FAAS, AFA EAP can also work with probationary Flight Attendants and the family members of Flight Attendants.  Don’t hesitate to call any of your EAP committee members. Again, everything you share is confidential.