

2019 CIRP Recurrent

2019 CIRP Recurrent May 14th CIRP, Critical Incident Response Program, is a company-wide program for both Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air. It is a group of trained volunteers who can respond to any abnormally stressful or traumatic incident involving any…

CBA Language Clarification For Reserve FA’s

Notice of clarifying collective bargaining agreement (CBA) language for Reserve Flight Attendants; The MEC recently executed a Letter of Understanding (LOU) with inflight management that clarifies Short-Call Reserve Report time duties upon arrival at their domicile airport for a reserve…

PAE Hotel

YOU DID IT! Your voice was heard!  Due to your diligence in filing reports in Crew Connex, your Hotel Committee was able to show the company that the Courtyard Lynnwood was the better fit of our needs to ensure our…

Filing Grievances

The MEC (Master Executive Council) Officers want to take a moment to reiterate the importance and value of filing grievances/reports when you feel the collective bargaining agreement (contract) has been violated; and/or reporting issues when the company is not complying with their contractual obligations. Much like…

Grievance Settlement – Reserve

MEC Reserve List Days of Availability Grievance Settlement 06-99-02-03-19 In January 2019, the MEC was made aware that the Reserve List was not accurately displaying reserve days of availability.  The MEC grieved on behalf of all flight attendants who sat…

Negotiations Update – May

Horizon Negotiations Update May 2019 AFA and management met again in Seattle on May 7-9. AFA’s committee members are MEC President Ed Hawes; Flight Attendants Joelle Fuhrman and Tanya Phillips; and our professional negotiator and attorney, Kimberley Chaput. Management’s team…

Local 16 Election Results

Council 16 (SEA/GEG/BOI) Election Results MAY 06, 2019 12:30 BY LISA DAVIS-WARREN (MEC ACTING PRESIDENT) The following AFA Flight Attendants were elected to Local Council Officer positions representing the Flight Attendants based in Seattle, Spokane and Boise: LEC President:  Joelle…

ACT Communication

Hello All, We wanted to thank everyone that came out for our SEA/PDX ACT Negotiation’s Sit! There was a great turnout with some excellent questions and valid concerns which we are providing to your negotiations team members For April, our…