

Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP)

Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP) Hello Fellow Flight Attendants, The Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP) is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandated document that every airline is required to adopt. This plan documents each airline’s plan to educate, mitigate and…

2020 Open Enrollment Update

2020 Open Enrollment Update October 13, 2019 BY lisa davis-warren (MEC Vice PRESIDENT) The Master Executive Council (MEC) recently attended the Annual Horizon Air Labor Annual Benefits Enrollment Meeting. Highlights ***NO RATE INCREASES IN 2020*** Enrollment opens on October 23rd and ends…

PAE Parking – UPDATE

PAE Parking – UPDATE Over the last few months, management has been actively looking at moving our parking area in PAE from the on-site parking lot to an off-site location. Recently, they tried to move our flight crew to a…

Solidarity Event

Solidarity Event Hello fellow flight attendants and AFA-CWA members. While SAP is still open, your Negotiation Committee would like to give all of our fellow members an opportunity to attend an in-person negotiations solidarity event in SEA and PDX on…

Scheduling Notes – BID 327, November

November Bid 327 – Scheduling Notes  The solution for November, was again, not our first choice. AFA proposed a solution that had the SEA-OKC and the SEA-ICT turns set as a day trip, a single turn. All other parameters were the same…

ACT Crew Room Sit – Notes

Hello Fellow Flight Attendants, I wanted to thank everyone that attended the SEA Act Negotiation’s Sit on September 25th. There was a great turn out, with terrific questions/comments regarding our contract negotiations and a wonderful response to our AFA red…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Title Description A Message from Your AFA EAP: Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marked in countries across the world every October, helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this…

Horizon Air MEC General Meeting

Horizon Air MEC General MeetingSEA – Lindberg Room- Lower PlazaSeatac Office Center Meeting AgendaOctober 21, 2018 – 10:30am Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes from last meeting Budget Report Committee Reports Old Business New Business Policies and Procedures…